POTL required a new RCBC (2.4 x 1.5mtrs) drainage system to reduce flood zones and to allow future expansion sites to be available & suitable for construction as approved.
Project Features:
RCBC Installation:
Demolished building to allow the alignment to be uninhibited.
A detour for the QR main line was constructed to allow RCBS,s (2.4 x 1.5mtrs) to be installed under the tracks.
Large shore boxes and ground water extraction pumps were required due to the geological conditions of the site.
Area cleared and grubbed and an excavator was used to strip the existing drain to allow it to dry out. Tractor and scoop were then be used to strip the topsoil off the site and stockpile out of the way. The cut to fill and compaction works then commenced
Approx. 8,800m2 of hydro mulch would be sprayed over the area and then watered to establish revegetation.
C+ and Abscan removed 20,000tn of Asbestos contaminated stockpile material.