Dam Works

Trility Pty Ltd has engaged CivilPlus Constructions to build two settling ponds at the Douglas Water Treatment Plant in Mount Stuart. Work commenced in October 2024, with the final phase of...

Rocklands TSF Construction

Client: Copper Resources Australia

CivilPlus has been engaged in the construction of a 4.5m high embankment lift of an existing Tailings Storage Facility (TSF), namely the Western TSF at the Rocklands Copper Mine.

Yungaburra Raw Water Intake Replacement

Client: Tablelands Regional Council

The Tablelands Regional Council has engaged CivilPlus Constructions for the Yungaburra Raw Water Intake Replacement project. This project involves replacing the existing pipeline infrastructure...
CivilPlus Constructions have been engaged by SunWater to perform remedial works on Clare Weir. Clare Weir is located approximately 40km south-west of Ayr on the Burdekin River. The weir itself...

Paluma Dam Spillway

Client: Townsville City Council

Townsville City Council awarded CivilPlus Constructions the contract of upgrading the Paluma Dam Spillway in Paluma. Work commenced onsite on 08/09/2021. The project objective was to construct a...

Clare Weir Rail Replacement

Client: SunWater Limited

Clare Weir is situated outside of Burdekin Falls Dam and is the most critical piece of infrastructure attached to the Burdekin Haughton Water Supply Scheme (BHWSS). It provides the pumping pool for...

Aplins Weir Reconstruction

Client: Townsville City Council

Aplins Weir, originally constructed in 1928, no longer met current engineering standards by 2012 when this refurbishment project began. Although the structure showed no immediate signs of failure,...
Remediation works were undertaken at Culvert 93 downstream on Mt Spec Road. The Culvert itself is a heritage feature of high significance and all works that were carried out were controlled and...

Gleeson's Weir Reconstruction

Client: Townsville City Council

CivilPlus were contracted by TCC to reconstruct the Gleeson's Weir due it not meeting current dam safety regulations. This involved concrete cutting of approx 250mm from the top of the existing...

Paluma Dam Concrete Remediation

Client: Townsville City Council

The concrete dam inlet tower and outlet pipe has become dilapidated over time requiring remediation to stop current corrosion and further deterioration and water ingress.

Ravenswood Sediment Dam

Client: Carpentaria Gold

Carpentaria Gold have engaged C+ Services to construct a sediment dam on the Ravenswood Mine Site. The purpose of the works is to capture runoff from the adjacent waste rock dumps prior to runoff...

Riverway Drive Gabion Structure

Client: Townsville City Council

Due to severe scouring of the river bank, Townsville City Council contracted CivilPlus to complete a designed gabion structure to restore the integrity of the river bank.