Piling Works

Giru Weir Investigations

Client: Sunwater

CivilPlus was engaged to carry out investigation work at the Giru Weir for Sunwater to confirm the condition of the existing Row 1 sheet piles 1.2m below the concrete rockfill surface for its...

Black River Remediation Works

Client: Townsville City Council

Townsville City Council engaged CivilPlus Constructions to perform the riverbank remediation works at the Black River mouth in Beach Holm.  Over the last 70 years the riverbanks have...

Crystal Creek Remediation Works

Client: Townsville City Council

 Townsville City Council engaged CivilPlus Constructions to perform bank remediation works at Crystal Creek in Mutarnee. During the 2019 floods, a pineapple farm on the western bank of Crystal...
As part of the upgrade to the Townsville water system, CivilPlus Constructions was contracted to design and construct a new main waterline underneath the Ross River. The new waterline connected the...
TMR have enlisted the services of CivilPlus to relocate the Mt Spec Watermain to enable preliminary works for the Bruce Highway – Townsville Northern Access Intersections Upgrade. The Mt Spec...

Visual Message Sign Board - Bored Piers

Client: J1 LEAD Intellegent Transport System Pty Ltd

Installation of footing for large visual message sign board, this included the installation of new concrete barrier and guardrail protection along with electrical conduits and pit installation.

Ross River Pontoons

Client: Townsville City Council

CivilPlus were engaged by Townsville City Council as part of the disaster recovery funding arrangement in response to the damage caused by the 2019 Townsville Monsoon Trough event to restore the...

Haughton Pipeline - Package 3

Client: Townsville City Council

Townsville City Council contracted CivilPlus Constructions for a section of the Haughton Pipeline Duplication Project (Stage 1), aimed at enhancing Townsville's water security and improving bulk...

Berth 4 Upgrade

Client: Port Of Townsville

Berth 4 Upgrade The Port of Townsville is a vital trading port for North Queensland and is Northern Australia's largest general cargo and container port. Berth 4 was previously used mainly for...

Birthday Creek Bridge Replacement

Client: Townsville City Council

The works involve demolition and removal off-site of the existing bridge super- structure and foundations. Design and documentation of a new precast concrete bridge superstructure including precast...

Burdekin Pump Station

Client: Burdekin Water Board / GHD

CivilPlus were engaged to construct a Pump Intake structure for the South Burdekin Water Board in the Burdekin River. This involved the construction of a sheet pile retaining wall to hold back the...

Burketown Jetty - Fender Piles Replacement

Client: Burke Shire Council

Fender Piles Replacement for Burketown Jetty
This Contract was located at Landers Creek & Expedition Pass near Clare on the Ayr/Dalbeg Rd. During recent flooding events both bridges sustained significant damage through displacement of the...

Green Island Groyne

Client: EPA

CivilPlus were engaged to construct a Seawall, 60m long to reduce sand migration on the island. This involved the design and installation of 13 precast piles in a very sensitive environmental...

Lucinda Piling Works

Client: Port of Townsville

This project required the replacement of damaged landward mooring piles, delivery and installation new timber dolphins, remove selected fender piles from inshore services, dispose adjacent inshore...

Mornington Island Jetty Demolition

Client: Mornington Shire Council

Removal and Replacement of Piles on Jetty

Orpheus Island Jetty Construction

Client: Orpheus Island

The aim of this project is to replace the damaged existing jetty with a new Steel Substructure with timber decking jetty on Orpheus Island. This included driven steel pile with steel headstocks and...
Installation of Civil Works for Palm Island Jetty & Barge Ramp Upgrade, which included placement of select fill, placement of armour rock, Precast & Cast insitu items for the Barge ramp...

RAAF Retention Pond

Client: Spotless

CivilPlus were engaged to construct a 180,000L Spelceptor tank at the RAAF Base fuel farm, this included precast items for the fire trap and anchor blocks. The 4m deep excavation was sheet piled to...

Silver Creek Bridge Piles

Client: Mackay Regional Council

The nature of works requires Compliance with Quality, WHS and Environmental legislation Supply and install steel liners Excavate piles Supply and install reinforced cages and concrete...

Townsville Port Inner Harbour Expansion

Client: Seymour Whyte Smithbridge Joint Venture

The TPIX Inner Harbour Project requires CivilPlus Constructions to install the utilities services to wharf 10A as part of the harbour expansion. The services include Fire, Potable Water, Diesel and...

TRBP Inwater Works

Client: Townsville City Council

The Townsville Recreational Boating Park TRBP) will consist of four boat ramps each with four lanes and centre floating walkway. The project will also include an adequate number of car trailer...
Project Works included the removal of the existing DN200 water line which ran from the floating pump station in the dam to the treatment plant on the bank, which was a total distance of 550m. Once...