Aplins Weir Reconstruction

Project Overview / Description

Aplins Weir, originally constructed in 1928, no longer met current engineering standards by 2012 when this refurbishment project began.

Although the structure showed no immediate signs of failure, its age posed an increasing risk of potential failure in the future. The refurbishment work upgraded the weir wall to meet modern standards, enhancing its strength and stability.

Project Features:

    • The works involved coring 1500mm diameter holes in the existing base slab of each of the 33 bays of the existing weir wall and installing 1200mm diameter steel pile liners.
    • These steel pile liners are then filed with concrete to form on average a 16m pile. These piles then have a 750mm thick reinforced concrete overlay poured over the top to tie all of the existing bays together.
    • Tying these bays together is achieved by install continuous reinforcing between each bay.
    • Other works involve abutment repairs, weir face repairs, installation of new weir valves, installation of a fish prevention nib wall 100m long approximately and installing a concrete apron outlet 60m long.

Project Gallery Images